Browse Items (1224 total)

'Old Abe,' the man for the times [graphic]

'Old Abe,' the man for the times. Dated between 1860 and 1865. This Civil War envelope depicts Presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln, “the people’s candidate.”

Note: Title from item.

"He's a Mason" postcard, 1907

A postcard with a winking cariacture of a man in front of another man riding a goat, with Masonic symbolism displayed. The statement "He's a Mason" is written in write lettering at the bottom.

"Just Arrived In The Dream City" Elks postcard, ca. 1905

A postcard of an anthropomorphized Elk dressed in a suit and top hat.

"Masonic Notice. - Those members of Congress who belong to the Masonic Fraternity..."

Circular from appointed committee of eleven members submitted to several Grand Lodges and distributed among Masons concerning the establishment of a General Grand Lodge of the United States.

Circular contains report of meeting held on March 9,…

"We Swear to be True to a Brother"

An undated Masonic Civil War ode by Rob Morris entitled, "We Swear to be True to a Brother." Intended to be sung. At head of title: "Air - The Flag of Our Union."Published in a slightly different form as "Cherish the Pledge," in Rob Morris's book…

Copia do Diploma do Resp∴ Fr∴ David Jewett

A copy of a diploma issued to David Jewett in 1826 by Joseph Cerneau's Sovereign Grand Consistory. The diploma appoints Jewett as the Deputy Grand Inspector General for Brazil. The original certificate was issued in New York on November 3, 1826. This…

16° certificate issued by the Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem to John Christie, 1842 September 5

A 16° certificate issued by the Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem at Albany, New York, to John Christie. Dated September 5, 1842. Signed by Grand Chancellor Giles F. Yates, Grand Warden Killian Van Rensselaer, and other Scottish Rite Freemasons.

1860 Republican Ticket

This political broadside lists the 1860 Republican Party ticket for the state of Massachusetts. At the top of the ticket is Presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln of Illinois and Vice Presidential candidate Hannibal Hamlin of Maine.

1968 Masonic brotherhood fund campaign card and cable tow card, 1968

1968 Masonic Brotherhood Fund campaign card and cable tow card. Dated 1968. In this document, the Grand Lodge of New York petitions its membership to support the 1968 Masonic Brotherhood Fund. The Masonic Brotherhood Fund, which is still in…

25th installation ceremony program, 1939 December 15

An installation ceremony program for Job's Daughters, Bethel, No. 43.