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  • Collection: Fraternal Membership Certificates

Assessment certificate issued by the Grand Lodge of the Independent Scandinavian Workingmen's Association of North America to John Blilie, 1911 June

An assessment certificate issued by the Grand Lodge of the Independent Scandinavian Workingmen's Association of North America, certifying that John Blilie is a member of Bernadette Branch Lodge, No. 115.

Blank Improved Order of Red Men certificate, 1900

An unissued Past Sachem certificated created for the Improved Order of Red Men adorned with depictions of a Native American, George Washington, and an American eagle.

Blank membership certificate for the Loyal Order of Druids, circa 1870

An unissued or blank membership certificate for the Loyal Order of Druids. Dated about 1870.

Certificate issued by America Lodge, No. 191, to James F. Lucas, 1888 November 23

A certificate issued by America Lodge, No. 191, (Boston, Massachusetts) to James F. Lucas and dated November 23, 1888. Imprint at bottom of certificate reads, “Drawn and Engraved by W. H. Dougal.”

Manuscript certificate issued by Bethesda Lodge, No. 30, to Obediah Rich, 1844 February 20

Manuscript certificate issued by Bethesda Lodge, No. 30, to Obediah Rich. Dated February 20, 1844. This manuscript document certifies that Obediah Rich is a Scarlet Member of Bethesda Lodge, No. 30, and is in good standing. The Scarlet degree or…

Membership certificate issued by Bay State Loyal Orange Lodge No. 418 to William Dobbins, 1911 March 24.

A membership certificate issued by Bay State Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 418, of Arlington, Massachusetts, to William Dobbins. Dated March 24 1911.

Membership certificate issued by Woburn True Blues Orange Lodge No. 119 to Hugh Thompson, 1908 February 27

A membership certificate issued by Woburn True Blues Orange Lodge, No. 119, of Woburn, Massachusetts, to Hugh Thompson. Dated February 27 1908.

Membership certificate issued to Adam Graham by Mount Horeb Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 19, 1911 March 20

A membership certificate issued by Mount Horeb Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 19, of Somerville, Massachusetts, to Adam Graham. Dated March 20, 1911.

Membership certificate issued to Edward Rice by Cambridge True Blue Orange Lodge, No. 17, 1900 February 9

A membership certificate issued by Cambridge True Blue Orange Lodge, No. 17, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Edward Rice. Dated February 9, 1900.

Membership certificate issued to Frank A. Crawford by Linton Orange Lodge, No. 367, 1917 February 9

A membership certificate issued by Linton Orange Lodge, No. 367, of Everett, Massachusetts, to Frank A. Crawford, and dated February 9, 1917. The certificate is adorned with depictions of an American eagle and shield, the bible, and King William III…