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  • Subject is exactly "Women."

Letter from George Austin Bowen to Estella H. Barnes, 1893 July 14

Letter from George Austin Bowen to Estella H. Barnes. Dated July 14, 1893. In this letter, George A. Bowen, Master of the State Grange of Connecticut, discusses the complications of holding office with Estella H. Barnes of the State Committee of…

Letter attributed to Mary E. Elliott, 1876 August 3

A letter attributed to Mary E. Elliott. Dated August 3, 1876. In this letter, Elliot, the Grand Worthy Secretary for the Grand Lodge Massachusetts of the Independent Order of Good Templars, offers her support and praise to an unnamed female…

Mecca Temple ladies night program, 1920 February 28

A Mecca Temple ladies night program. Dated February 28, 1920. In this program, Mecca Temple promotes its February twenty-eighth ladies night at Carnegie Hall and an upcoming event for the children of Nobles. Includes rosters for the officers, members…