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  • Subject is exactly "Scottish Rite (Masonic order). Southern Jurisdiction -- History."

Honorary Scottish Rite Mason certificate issued by the Supreme Councils of the United States to President Ronald Reagan, 1988 February 11

An honorary Scottish Rite Mason certificate issued by both Supreme Councils of the United States to President Ronald Reagan. Dated February 11, 1988. The certificate is endorsed by Sovereign Grand Commander Francis George Paul of the Northern Masonic…

Circular throughout the two hemispheres, 1802

Circular announcing the formation of the first Supreme Council, located at Charleston, South Carolina. This is the foundation document of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite. This copy signed by John Mitchell (Grand Commander) and signed and…

Circular regarding visitors to the Southern Jurisdiction, 1873 March 12

This circular from Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, informs members and bodies subordinate to the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, about a new statute adopted by the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, and issued in…

Manifesto issued by Supreme Council member Emanuel De La Motta, 1814

Manifesto issued by Emanuel De La Motta 1814.pdf
Manifesto issued by Supreme Council member Emanuel De La Motta. Dated 1814. Manifesto issued by Emanuel De La Motta and the Charleston Supreme Council declaring Joseph Cerneau to be an "Imposter of the first magnitude" and his Masonic works to be…