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  • Subject is exactly "Scottish Rite (Masonic order) -- African Americans."

33° certificate issued by the United Supreme Council to Richard Theodore Greener, 1896 September 8

A 33° certificate issued by the United Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for Southern and Western Jurisdictions of the United States to Richard Theodore Greener, and dated September 8, 1896. Signed by Greener, John G. Jones, D.F. Seville, and…

Letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Peter W. Ray to the Supreme Council, 1884 September

Letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Peter W. Ray to the Supreme Council. Dated September 1884. In this letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Peter W. Ray to the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, Ray provides a history of his Supreme…

Denunciation of the Comte de St. Laurent, a Cerneau follower, after 1838

Denunciation of the Comte de St. Laurent, a Cerneau follower. Dated after 1838. In this document, Sovereign Grand Commander John James Joseph Gourgas denounces the Comte de St. Laurent, a Black Freemason and follower of Joseph Cerneau.