Browse Items (9 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts"

Youth program suggestions examples, 1952

A flier for the Program and Activity Exchange issued by the Youth Committee, with suggested projects to share during the event. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

First annual youth institute workshop schedule, 1952

A schedule for the Program and Activity Exchange issued by the Youth Committee. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

Joseph Cutting's burial instructions, 1895 April 1

A letter written by Joseph Cutting to the Leominster Lodge, No. 46, regarding his funeral and burial arrangements. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

Circular letter from Northern Light Lodge, No. 1, 1893 June 30

A circular letter from the General Relief Committee of North Dakota regarding a fire in Fargo, N.D. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

Circular letter written by A. M. Taft, 1892 June 7

A circular letter from A. M. Taft regarding the dedcation of the Odd Fellows' Home in Worcester. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

Dedication of State Home, June 22, 1892, 1892 May 31

A dedication of the Odd Fellows' Home in Worcester, to take place on June 22nd, 1892, issued as a General order on May 31, 1892. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

Memorial Day proclamation from Grand Master James M. Price, 1893 April 22

A Memorial Day proclamation from Grand Master James M. Price. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

Circular letter from Grand Master Jay B. Crawford, 1892 May 3

A circular letter from Grand Master Jay B. Crawford. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.

Seventy-third anniversary of our order announcement, 1892 March 1

An announcement for the Seventy-third anniversary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Part of the Records of Leominster Lodge, No. 86, 1890-1967 collection.