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  • Subject is exactly "Freemasons -- Virginia."

Letter from R. A. Humphreys to Staunton Lodge, No. 13, 1875 July 24

Letter from R. A. Humphreys to Staunton Lodge, No. 13. Dated July 24, 1875. In this letter, R. A. Humphreys informs Staunton Lodge that he is the agent in charge of selling James T. Hill's Masonic chart in the state of Virginia. Humphreys also…

Charity department death benefits certificate issued to Willie Douglass, 1918 June 3

A death benefits certificate issued by Mount Olive Grand Lodge, Free & Accepted Ancient York Masons of Virginia, to Willie Douglass of Williamsville, Virginia. Dated June 3, 1918. In this document, Douglass purchases death benefits to be paid out in…

District Deputy Grand Master certificate issued to John Thom by the Grand Lodge of Virginia, 1816 March 28

This certificate issued by Grand Lodge of Virginia announces the appointment of John Thom as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District, No. 2. Dated March 28, 1816, and signed by the Grand Secretary, W. H. Fitzwhylsonn.

32° certificate issued to Merrill E. Raab by the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, 1913 May 8

32° certificate issued by Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction to Merrill E. Raab. Dated May 8, 1913.

Blank Master Mason certificate, 1700s

Blank Master Mason certificate for Alexandria-Washington Lodge, No. 22 (Alexandria, Va). Imprint at bottom of certificate: "A. Chevalier Delt. Philadelphia. Brother Maverick South. New York."