Browse Items (18 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Freemasons -- New York (State) -- New York."

Petition to form a Sovereign Grand Consistory in New York State, 1866

Petition to form a Sovereign Grand Consistory in New York State. Dated 1866. This manuscript petition from a group of Scottish Rite Freemasons asks the Supreme Council's permission to form a Sovereign Grand Consistory in the State of New York. Signed…

Mecca Temple ladies night program, 1920 February 28

A Mecca Temple ladies night program. Dated February 28, 1920. In this program, Mecca Temple promotes its February twenty-eighth ladies night at Carnegie Hall and an upcoming event for the children of Nobles. Includes rosters for the officers, members…

Prince Hall Master Mason certificate issued to Russell L. Randolph, 1962 May 10

A Prince Hall Master Mason certificate issued by the Grand Lodge of New York to Russell L. Randolph of Lebanon Lodge, No. 54. Dated May 10, 1962. Signed by both the Grand Master for New York, Dr. Richard H. Stitt, and the Grand Secretary, Alton L.…

Letter from Charles S. Westcott to Charles W. Moore, 1855 November 21

A letter from Charles S. Westcott to Charles W. Moore. Dated November 21, 1855. In this letter, Westcott requests the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, accept the petition of a group of New York City Freemasons to unify with the…

Announcement of the union of the Hays and Raymond Supreme Councils, 1863 March 1

Announcement of the union of the Hays Supreme Council (Cerneau) of New York City and Raymond Supreme Council (schismatic) of Boston, Massachusetts. Dated March 1, 1863. Signed by newly elected Sovereign Grand Commander Edmund B. Hays and Grand…

Letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike regarding the expulsion of Frederick Widdows and others, 1883 November 1

A letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike of the Southern Jurisdiction. Dated November 1, 1883. In this letter, Sovereign Grand Commander Pike discusses the Cerneau-inspired Seymour-Peckham Supreme Council of New York City and informs…

Letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike regarding the expulsion of Frederick Widdows, 1883 October 31

A letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike of the Southern Jurisdiction. Dated October 31, 1883. In this letter, Sovereign Grand Commander Pike explains his decision to expel Frederick Widdows for violating his oath to the two legitimate…

Circular letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike regarding the state of the Scottish Rite, 1883 November 1

A circular letter from Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike of the Southern Jurisdiction. Dated November 1, 1883. In this document, Sovereign Grand Commander Pike denounces the actions of three spurious Supreme Councils located in the cities of New…

32° certificate issued to Western Bascome, 1865 January 22

A 32° certificate issued by Cosmopolitan Consistory, No. 1, to Western Bascome of New York City. Dated January 22, 1865. Signed by Commander in Chief Robert McCoskry Graham, Deputy for the State of New York Orrin Welch, and Grand Secretary Albert P.…

Master Mason certificate issued by St. John's Lodge, No. 1, to Paul Bascombe, 1761 August 8

A Master Mason certificate issued by St. John's Lodge, No. 2, of New York City to Paul Bascombe, and dated August 8, 1761. St. John's Lodge, No. 2, was constituted on December 1757, by the original (Modern) Grand Lodge of England through the Right…