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  • Subject is exactly "Freemasons -- Michigan."

Royal Arch life membership certificate issued to Chester Downer Woodbury, 1922 December 1

A Royal Arch life membership certificate issued by Capital Chapter, No. 9 (Lansing, Michigan), to Chester Downer Woodbury and dated July 2, 1880.

Emeritus membership certificate issued to Chester A. Woodbury, 1932 October 6

An emeritus membership certificate issued by Lansing Commandery, No. 25 (Lansing, Michigan), to Chester Downey Woodbury and dated June 18, 1934.

Past Commander certificate issued to Emil Cruz by Damascus Commandery, No. 42, of Detroit, Michigan, 1976

A Past Commander certificate issued by Damascus Commandery, No. 42, of Detroit, Michigan, to Emil Cruz. Dated about 1976.

Unissued International F. & A.M. Masons application, about 1975

An unissued membership application for the International Free & Accepted Modern Masons. Dated about 1975.

Cornerstone laying program issued by Grand Lodge of Michigan, 1873 October 2

Masonic Programme of Formation, March and Corner Stone Ceremonies, on the Occasion of Laying the Corner Stone of the New State Capitol. Dated October 2, 1873. This program created by the Grand Lodge of Michigan commemorates the corner stone laying of…