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  • Subject is exactly "Freemasonry -- Rituals."

Copy of an unsigned letter attributed to Reverend William J. Carver, 1851

An unfinished and unsigned copy of letter attributed to Reverend William J. Carver and sent to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Dated about 1851. Carver served as the Representative of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in the United Grand Lodge of…

Letter from William P. Mellen to Jacob Norton, 1855 March 24

A letter from William P. Mellen to Jacob Norton, a Jewish Freemason. Dated March 24, 1855. In this letter, Mellen asks Jacob Norton for a copy of Norton's 1852 petition to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to change aspects of its rituals. George M.…

Letter from William P. Mellen to Jacob Norton, 1855 November 3

A letter from William P. Mellen to Jacob Norton, a Jewish Freemason. Dated November 3, 1855. In this letter, Mellen, an ally of Norton and the editor of The Acacia, a Masonic publication, replies to Norton's letter of October 19, 1855. Mellon…

Copy of a letter from Jacob Norton to Reverend William J. Carver, 1851 August 07

A copy of letter sent from Jewish Freemason Jacob Norton to Reverend William J. Carver. Dated August 7, 1851. In this letter, Norton discusses his efforts to petition the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to change aspects of their ritual in accordance to…