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  • Subject is exactly "African American freemasonry."

33° certificate issued to Richard Theodore Greener by the United Supreme Council of the 33 Degree for Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States, 1896 September 8

A 33° certificate issued by the United Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for Southern and Western Jurisdictions of the United States to Richard Theodore Greener, and dated September 8, 1896. Signed by Greener, John G. Jones, D.F. Seville, and…

Reading of the original charter 459, 1958

A 1958 printed transcription and facsimile of the 1784 charter issued by the Grand Lodge of England to African Lodge, No. 459, the first African American or Prince Hall Masonic lodge in America. The document is hand-signed by Grand Master James R.…

Letter from Peter W. Ray to Jacob Norton, 1884 November 11

A letter from African American Freemason Peter W. Ray to Jacob Norton, a Jewish Freemason. Dated November 11, 1884. In this letter, Ray responds to Norton's letter of November 8, 1884, and discusses the recognition of African American Freemasonry in…

Letter from Peter W. Ray to Jacob Norton, 1884 November 23

A letter from African American Freemason Peter W. Ray to Jacob Norton, a Jewish Freemason. Dated November 23, 1884. In this letter, Ray responds to Norton's letter of November 19, 1884, and agrees with his sentiments and efforts to "combat the…

Letter from Peter W. Ray to Charles T. McClenachan, 1895 October 9

A letter from African American Freemason Peter W. Ray of Brooklyn, New York, to Charles T. McClenachan. Dated October 9, 1895. In this letter, Ray provides McClenachan with the names and occupations of seven African American applicants, including…

New Business: by what authority is dancing prohibited in Masonic circles, circa 1920

New Business: by what authority is dancing prohibited in Masonic circles. Dated about 1920. In this document from the official minutes of Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, the members of the lodge discuss the prohibition of dancing during the hours of…

Minutes of Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, 1923 May 23

The minutes of Jephtha Lodge, No. 11. Dated May 23, 1923. This document from the official minutes of Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, summarizes Past Grand Master Joseph E. Hatcher's visit to the lodge on May 23, 1923. During his lecture, Grand Master Hatcher…

Membership application of Robert Edward Creighton, circa 1915

A membership application for Robert Edward Creighton. Dated about 1915. In this document, Creighton, a charter member of Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, reapplies for membership.

Letter from Garrett Lawson Taylor to Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, circa 1918

A letter from Garrett Lawson Taylor to Jephtha Lodge, No. 11. Dated about 1918. In this letter, Taylor, a resident of Brooklyn, New York, and a wardroom steward on the U.S.S. Leviathan, tries to confirm that the lodge has received his latest dues…

Letter of introduction from St. John’s Lodge, 1912 April 9

A letter of introduction for African American Freemason Arthur C. Johnson from St. John’s Lodge, No. 29. Dated April 9, 1912. In this letter of introduction, the Worshipful Master and Secretary of St. John’s Lodge certify that Arthur C. Johnson has…