Browse Items (3 total)

  • Creator is exactly "Freemasons. Trinity Lodge, No. 18 (Indianapolis, Ind.)"

Trinity Lodge, No. 18, drawing, about 1966

Trinity Lodge, No. 18, drawing. Dated about 1966. This drawing, created by an unknown artist, depicts the seal of Trinity Lodge, No. 18, Prince Hall. The Bible verse Romans 8:31, “If God be for us, who can be against us,” adorns the banner drawn at…

Prince Hall Master Mason certificate issued by Trinity Lodge, No. 18, to Peter B. C. Brown, Jr., 1964 May 2

A Master Mason certificate issued by Trinity Lodge, No. 18, to Peter B. C. Brown, Jr., and dated May 2, 1964. Signed by Trinity Lodge’s Worshipful Master, Willie L. Crice, and its Secretary, Charlie C. Harvey, Jr.

Trinity Lodge, No. 18, officers’ photograph, about 1966

Trinity Lodge, No. 18, officers’ photograph. Dated about 1966. Pictured second from the right is Trinity Lodge’s Senior Deacon Peter B. C. Brown, Jr. Also pictured are Senior Warden Ephriam S. Sweatt, fourth from the left; Worshipful Master John L.…