Browse Items (44 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "United States -- South Carolina -- Charleston"

Scottish Rite Cathedral, Charleston, South Carolina, 1922

A colored photo postcard depicting the Scottish Rite Cathedral of Charleston, South Carolina. Publication date 1922. The caption on the front of the postcard reads, “Scottish Rite Cathedral, Charleston, S.C.” The caption on the back of the postcard…

Emeritus member certificate issued to Henry L. Palmer by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, 1889 March 1

An honorary emeritus membership certificate issued by Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction to Sovereign Grand Commander Henry L. Palmer of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Dated March 1, 1889. Signed by Sovereign…

Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, Representative certificate issued to Robert M. C. Graham, 1867 September 24

This Supreme Council, S.J., document appoints and commissions Robert McCorskry Graham to be the Southern Jurisdiction’s representative to the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Dated September 24, 1867. Signed by Sovereign Grand…

Royal Arch certificate issued to John F. Kern, Jr., 1823 May 19

A Royal Arch certificate issued by the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of South Carolina to John F. Kern, Jr., and dated May 19, 1823. Imprint at the bottom of the certificate reads, "Wright & Smith."