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  • Coverage is exactly "United States -- Massachusetts -- Concord."

Make Room for the People!

Broadside entitled "Make Room for the People! Free Bridge Line!" promoting the Antimasonic Republican ticket for the Massachusetts state election to be held on November 9, 1835.

Antimasonic Republican Ticket includes Edward Everett for governor…

In Provincial Congress, Concord, April 15, 1775

Broadside dated at Concord, Massachusetts, April 15, 1775. Contains resolution recommending "to the good People of this Colony of all Denominations" that May 11, 1775 be "set apart as a Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer; that a total…

Master Mason certificate for John Mark Gourgas

A Master Mason certificate issued by Corinthian Lodge (Concord, Massachusetts) to John Mark Gourgas and dated March 7, 1947. John Mark Gourgas was related to J.J.J. (John James Joseph) Gourgas, the founder of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council of the…